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Global Conscious

GLE is a multi-dimensional enterprise started by Harold Bustamante. Harold has a lot of experience and training in various fields from journalism, film, event and music production, management, product development, graphic design, not for profit support, collective/coop consultation, gardening, youth outreach, traveling and community inspiration. In that reflection Harold is the heart of GLE and is focused on doing good projects and helping people in the traditions of his family and humanitarian causes. All elements of Life are honored and especially a Green Life of Nature and all its beauty. 

​Multi-Media productions

in Film, Music, Art, sound, graphic design, publication, print and social media.

In Event Productions

on all levels of performance, production, producing, management, security, marketing and energy enhancement.

In Food of hemp, organic vegetarian to vegan meals. In travel

from tour support, festival and event creations and business


Tag Clothing, Eco products, support for product development, networking of product development, international  development, from food to sustainable, fair trade and alternative sciences and health

Not for profit / NGO development & Support. Business development from idea to hard copy, trained in graphic design, film production, music management, market consultant and photography. Self help and self development projects and International product development. 


Follows the values I have set in my life the best I can implement. I am a member of Green America, and have supported Not for profits and volunteered since 1990. I am a global minded person and see it fair to work to help others  equally and fairly.

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My life has been filled with downs and ups and every since my military service I have wanted to serve in a conscious way where I give back and help those I love and causes I support. I'm, not a Liberal. I'm a human and never mind politics. I'm here to help humanity in my own way with all skills I have for profit and not for profit.


© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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