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Follows the values I have set in my life the best I can implement. I am a member of Green America, and have supported Not for profits and volunteered since 1990. I am a global minded person and see it fair to work to help others  equally and fairly.


I served in the US Army and I support veterans but I do not support Wars. I believe there are ways to avoid conflict & only in times of extreme needs armed intervention should be used to protect the lives of others. Rwanda Genocide should not have happened. Native Peoples need to be respected for the history & knowledge. The modern world has havacked the Earth with their greed and selfishness. I support equality and equal rights for all. I may become a Corporation someday with these same values. 

My homeland of South America has been in conflict for many years and my adopted homeland since birth of North America has been a cause of conflict as well as a solution solver. There are good people everywhere and we that have network of resources should work with other parts of the world to bring balance and harmony past all political idealogies. 

Humanitarian Values

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My life has been filled with downs and ups and every since my military service I have wanted to serve in a conscious way where I give back and help those I love and causes I support. I'm, not a Liberal. I'm a human and never mind politics. I'm here to help humanity in my own way with all skills I have for profit and not for profit.


© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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