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​Product Development & Support

​At present moment I have supported the devlopment of Hemp Plastic Bottles, T-shirt designs, hemp clothing, instrument creation & eco aerated plant bags for the general public call Geco Pots​​

​Film Production

Harold has had over 17 years of independent video production, his passion for film started in 1993 at the University of Colorado in Boulder Colorado. He attended CU for 5 years and studied Journalism, Photography and Film.  Never completing his studies Harold went independent and was trained as a Maui Public Television Producer in 1999. From there Harold has been filming continously in many formats and has upgraded over time to finally attending The New York film Academy in 2012 at Universal Studios in Los Angeles California. Certified as a 1st level director, Harold has already had 1000 hrs of film experience and has worked on various documentaries that are still in post production and 2nd level fillm productions. Harold has just started to make fictional short films and has 1 professional made music video called "Bling Bling" made for a up-incoming Band Called Lantz Lazwell & the Vibe Tribe (Rock, funk, jam ).


Harold has been in devlopment support for One Love Vibrations in creating One Love TV. OneLove.TV and videos completed can be seen at his Youtube site One Love Media Net​​​

​Independent Contractor​

From Not for Profit/NGO support, Harold has founded, developed and organized grass roots organizations since 1993 in College. Had has experienced self taught & college trained skills that have helped him be diversive and the discipline that only the military and his upbringing has given him. These skills are also being used for business development and product designs that reach from clothing to storefront business and marketing. Harold has experience in market evaluations and new trends in USA and also abroad. Present NGO support is 

​One Love Vibrations under Creative Visions Foundation


Multi Media Productions

Green Life Productions

Harold has had over 20 years in various levels of large productions of moving people and working in teams. Trained in event and radio productions since 1991, Harold has been involved in one form or the other in festival, small concert to arena events, bar to community gatherings of over 20,000. As a DJ, band, VJ, MC to a producer, music is a passion to support. In print Media, Harold has published 4 magazines with low overheads and support.

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My life has been filled with downs and ups and every since my military service I have wanted to serve in a conscious way where I give back and help those I love and causes I support. I'm, not a Liberal. I'm a human and never mind politics. I'm here to help humanity in my own way with all skills I have for profit and not for profit.


© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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